Today’s job market is ever-changing, with a constant flux of new and seasoned potential employees all churning around in a seemingly endless sea of applications and cover letters. How can you streamline your interviewing process from an HR perspective to effectively select the right candidates? What are the best questions to ask each individual? It’s easy to face a wall when navigating these questions on your own.
At People Solutions Center, we know the challenges you face when it comes to interviewing and hiring. We also know just how to help!
Your HR team at People Solutions Center will help you grow your business by placing the right people in the valuable positions that you need to fill. Utilizing our more than 20 years of HR experience alongside state-of-the-art interviewing and hiring tools and software, we’ll make the entire recruiting process simple.
Explore InterviewPath
Which of the following prompts would your candidates best respond to?
- “Do you consider yourself a team player?”
- “Describe a time when you created a positive relationship or improved a struggling one with another department within your organization.”
The second option more clearly provokes an insightful answer that is unlikely to hit a dead end – this is the level on which you should be communicating with potential employees. Our highly acclaimed Interview Path software will ensure that each of your questions have value.
This software was created by a group of HR professionals with nearly 100 years of combined experience. Couple that with the guidance of a licensed Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology to ensure you receive top-notch, invaluable information and tools from industry leaders.
Choose from 60 competencies and over 1,100 situational-based questions meant to elicit meaningful responses, all of which are legally compliant. Create interview guides in minutes rather than weeks with this invaluable tool. Reach new heights in your hiring endeavors and never look back at the boring, ineffective interviewing sessions of the past.
Let’s Start Now
Training Workshops are invaluable to your hiring processes. Participants will learn how to:
- Understand how to define the skills, competencies and experience needed for the job
- Leverage behavioral interviewing skills to ask the right questions that will provide a strong understanding of the candidate’s skills and reduce the risk of asking illegal questions
- Identify their own hidden biases and the potential impact on the interview process
- Utilize behavioral based interview techniques to gather candidate’s examples
- Ask follow-up questions to ensure quality S.T.A.R. examples
- Review legal considerations when conducting interviews and preparing documentation
With the People Solutions Center team on your side, your interviewing worries and HR concerns won’t plague your thoughts any longer. Get your business back on track today. Contact us to set up a free consultation.